
Name The Crowley-Supreme Debate!

They're calling it "The Most Important Debate Of Our Lifetime"; "Scary Showdown In Salem"; and "Marginally Less Ridiculous Than The GOP Debates."

Clearly, "they" (me and whoever's near my desk) need some assistance. That's where you come in!

UPDATED: It happened! Watch archived video of the Vermin Supreme vs. Aleister Crowley debate here

On Friday, October 28, 2011, Presidential candidates Aleister Crowley* and Vermin Supreme will debate in Salem, Massachusetts, moderated by legendary journalist David S. Bernstein of the Boston Phoenix.

Both candidates have been excluded from previous Presidential debates, in which the TPM (Tea Party Media) have conspired to include only those candidates who reject science, fabricate their own life histories, and/or appear regularly on shows whose hosts believe the US has ceded control of its public-school curricula to United Nations totalitarians.

If you believe that America deserves to hear from more than just the fringe candidates promoted by the TPM, you must join us at the Knights Templar Oasis at 175 Essex Street (2nd Floor) in Salem, at 8:00pm. The debate is expected to last an hour, after which debate attendees are dared to try not to have fun in the heart of Salem on Halloween Friday night.

Unlike most Presidential debates, where the voting public are treated as silent props who have no place in the democratic process, this event will encourage participation and self-expression. Come! Cheer! Boo! Protest! Sing! Live-blog! Blow vuvuzelas!

I will be soliciting questions for the candidates later. But your participation begins with the all-important NAMING THE DEBATE!

Please send your suggestions for what we should call the debate, either as comments to this post or by email to me at dbernstein[a]

And keep watching this blog for more information -- and follow me on Twitter at dbernstein, and friend me on Facebook. And make your plans to be in Salem on the 28th!

*As Mr. Crowley is deceased, he will be represented by Joseph Thiebes.

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