Right Wing Hollywood or Left Wing conspiracy?

Long conceded by conservatives to being an inveterate nest of Liberals, Hollywood may be taking a rightward turn.
Such is the hope expressed by “The National Review”
in their story about the production of David Zucker’s (late of the team that turned
out such funny movies as “HotShots, Part Deux” and the Naked Gun series)
political satire, “An American Carol.” In it a Liberal documentary filmmaker
called “Michael Malone” (played by Chris's less famous brother Kevin P. Farley -- he played "the Landlord" in the 2007 comedy "Wild Girls Gone") gets taken on a tour of American history on the Fourth
of July by none other than the ghost of Gen. George Patton. Here's a description of a scene being shot:
"Two young men--both terrorists--enter the station. They are
surprised to see a security checkpoint manned by two NYPD officers. "I'll
need to see your bag, please," says one of the officers. The lead
terrorist glances nervously at his friend and swings his backpack down from his
shoulder to present it to the cops. Just as the officer pulls on the zipper,
however, a small army of ACLU lawyers marches up to the policemen with a
stop-search order. The cops look at each other and shrug their shoulders. 'This says we can't search their bags.'
"The young men are relieved. They smile fiendishly as they walk
toward the crowded platform. As the lead terrorist once again slips the
backpack over his shoulder, he mutters his appreciation.
"'Thank Allah for the ACLU.'"
Fucking hilarious! (Sorry for the bad word, but the “Washington Times”
“liberal” bloggers use profanity more often than conservatives, so I wanted to
keep up.)
“The movie smells like a
hit to me,” says “New York Post” critic Kyle Smith. Maybe it’s a typo, or maybe Smith wants to maintain his conservative
status by not using a four letter word, but what I’m smelling is something that
rhymes with “hit.”
Do they really believe anyone other than brain dead Rush Limbaugh
fans are going to want to watch, let alone laugh at that kind of “hit?”
Zucker, formerly a liberal Democrat, switched to the Republican
side during the 2004 election. His
unfunniness can be traced to that time
(hey, it was an unfunny time), as can be seen in the Republican campaign ads he
churned out.
Here’s a Drudge Report item on one of these spots:
“In the ad, Zucker....recreates former Clinton Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright's 2000 visit to North Korea.
During the visit, Secretary Albright presented North Korean dictator Kim Jong
Il with a basketball autographed by former NBA superstar Michael Jordan.
"Actress Adele Stasilli-Fernandez,
playing Albright, is shown presenting Kim Jong Il
with the Michael Jordan basketball, painting the walls of Osama bin
Laden's Afghanistan cave and turning a blind eye to suicide bombers.
In one scene, her skirt rips as she changes the tire of a Middle
Eastern dictator's limousine.”
Dave! You’re killing me! Apparently I’m not the only one
scratching my head, as the item goes on to say:
“One GOP strategist said ‘jaws dropped’ when the ad was first
viewed. "Nobody could believe Zucker thought any political organization
could use this ad. It makes a point, but it's way over the top."
Then there’s Jon Voight, who plays the ghost of George Washington
in Zucker’s movie. He sets “Malone” right by taking him to a still smouldering Ground
Zero.Voight, who admittedly
opposed the Vietnam War back in the day ( he won an Oscar playing an anti-war
paraplegic vet in 1978 “Coming Home” when that kind of thing was fashionable), apparently wants to be taken "seriously" about his new Conservative credentials and political savvy, so he recently unleashed his apocalyptic, anti-Obama opinions in an editorial in the "Washington Times." He concludes:
"If, God forbid, we live to see Mr Obama president, we will
live through a socialist era that America has not seen before, and
our country will be weakened in every way."
I’m cryin’!
The rest of Voight’s
screed contains a rewriting of history that makes “An American Carol” look like
David McCullough.
What do I know? Maybe Voight will end up McCain’s VP candidate.
But I’m thinking, could it all be a ruse? Could Zucker and Voight be liberal
moles in the conservative movement, trying to take it down with ads and movies
and op eds that show how stupid and unfunny (except unintentionally) it is? Maybe so, but judging from
the dipshit ads spewing from the McCain campaign, I’m not betting on it.