Aborted and excommunicated
“Depressing,” unsentimental or subversive (ie: made for adults)
movies don’t win many awards or many fans back here in the USA, as a couple of recent news stories reminded me.
Here, it seems, taboos, conflicts and anxieties are more conspicuous
by their absence on screen than by frank and courageous confrontation and
analysis.The philosophy seems to be that if the bad word referring to something
that no one wants to talk about is removed, so are all our worries about it.
Like abortion. As pointed out in articles in the “Guardian”
and the “Philadelphia Inquirer”,
except for the documentary “Lake of Fire, not a single film (almost all,
curiously, romantic comedies, almost all supposedly cutting edge “independent
movies”) about unwanted pregnancy released lately mentions the “a” word.
As Carrie Rickey sums it up
in the “Inquirer:”

“From ‘Knocked Up’ to ‘Waitress’ to ‘Juno,’ opening Dec. 14,
abortion is The Great Unmentionable, euphemized as ‘shmashmortion’ (‘Knocked Up”),
"we don't perform, uh’ (‘Waitress’), and ‘nipped it in the bud’ (‘Juno’),
comedies in which pregnancy is the situation. Abortion is likewise obliquely
referenced, if actually considered, in the drama ‘Bella,’ now in theaters.”
Real edgy filmmaking, there, guys.
Was the word "abortion" unmentioned in Juno?" A little voice tells me it might have been. Be that as it may, silence might not always be death, but it’s usually a victory for
tyranny. While the “a” word has been aborted in those films, the “C” word
has apparently been excommunicated
from Chris Weitz’s adaptation of the first volume in Pullman’s “His Dark Materials” children’s
fantasy trilogy, “The Golden Compass.” References to the soul-oppressing, ubiquitous
Magisterium, the established religious bureaucracy in the book's alternative universe which some have
compared to the Catholic Church (I find it more
akin to the general human tendency to intolerance, repression of the
imagination and institutionalized bullshit), have been trimmed from the film.
The reason? The usual. Right wing religious watchdog groups didn’t like what
they didn’t see, so they pressured the cowardly studios into bowlderizing the
film of anything of substance. Says the director, Chris Weitz: "I think
it's a shame that people are reacting to a movie they haven't seen by attacking
a book they haven't understood."
Well, I read the books, so before I actually get to see the movie
(it screens here tonight) and confuse my opinion with facts, here’s my two
cents worth. I suspect that like his failed satire about the Bush administration “American Dreamz” this
neutered film will continue to offend the wackos (who still won’t see it) and bore and
annoy anyone who: a) read the books; b) longs for genuinely independent
filmmaking; c) believes that entertainment should at times provoke debate and
disturb the complacent and entitled and not just lull the country to sleep.
That’s what politicians are for.