Papal bull; Beck talk
As I’ve mentioned before, whenever I wax a little political
or philosophical in discussing films like, oh, "300"
or any of The Lord of the Rings movies or any other movie in which crypto
fascist fanboys can act out their sad little gotterdammerung fantasies, I am
always reminded , “It’s only a movie” (among other usually unflattering or
otherwise anatomically dubious
suggestions). Well, all I can say is that at least I don’t have a history of
burning people at the stake for deviating from my critical opinion.

enjoying a brief honeymoon with Hollywood after the late Pope John Paul II gave
an infallible thumbs up to "Passion of the Christ," the
Vatican has once again soured on the studios over Shepak Kapur's “Elizabeth: The Golden
Age.” To my surprise, they objected not
to Cate Blanchett’s resemblance to Gary Oldman in “Francis Ford Coppola’s
Dracula,” but for bad-mouthing the Inquisition and other Catholic institutions. To
quote the London
“Writing in Avvenire, the official organ of the Italian
Bishops’ Conference, Franco Cardini said that the film formed part of a ‘concerted
attack on Catholicism’ by atheists and ‘apocalyptic Christians.’”
Furthermore, the good prelate asks
prophetically, “Why put out this perverse anti-Catholic propaganda today, just
at the moment when we are trying desperately to revive our Western identity in
the face of the Islamic threat, presumed or real?”
Sign me up for the Tenth Crusade!
Closer to home, that watchdog of American values and subversive
left-wing conspiracies, Glenn Beck of CNN, has pointed out what everyone
suspected but no one has had the cojones to say out loud: the new G.I. Joe
movie is part of a United Nations plot to take over the world. You remember
that Beckhad it right on
the money not long ago when he tore into "Happy Feet" as “propaganda” and “the animated
version of ‘An Inconvenient Truth’” Backing
him up is critic and talk show host pundit Michael Medved, author of “Hollywood vs. America,”
who ominously notes that the Pixar release was “the darkest, most disturbing feature-length
animated feature ever released by a studio.” Medved goes on to hint, “There’s also a
bizarre anti-religious bias operating unmistakably and gratuitously in the
film... As in so many other recent films, there’s a subtext that appears to
plead for endorsement of gay identity.”
Only a movie? Isn’t that what they said about Hitler at Munich? Wake up. America!