
State reps ride to BPL rescue

A dozen Boston state representatives -- including the four in whose districts branch libraries are slated for closure -- have filed budget amendments aimed at saving those branches.

The 12 lawmakers filed three amendments today; each would add a line item to the state budget for fiscal year 2011. The funds -- potentially over $3 million -- would be contingent on all 26 existing Boston Public Library branches remaining open through 2011.

Mayor Tom Menino has announced plans to shut down the four branches, in Brighton, Dorchester, East Boston, and South Boston.

Jack Hart and several other state senators from Boston plan to file similar amendments when the budget reaches that chamber.

The co-sponsors in the house are Jeff Sanchez, Gloria Fox, Willie Mae Allen, Byron Rushing, Linda Dorcena Forry, Marty Walz, Kevin Honan, Aaron Michlewitz, Mike Moran, Liz Malia, Brian Wallace, and Carlo Basile.

Boston representatives not joining them are Eugene O'Flaherty, Marie St. Fleur, Marty Walsh, Angelo Scaccia, and Mike Rush.

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