
Patrick Poll, In The Eye Of The Beholder?

The State House News Service says that its new poll shows "Patrick Damaged but Not Badly." Blogger Granby01033 says it shows "People Haven't Given Up On Patrick." At Blue Mass Group, David thinks it's "Pretty Good News For Patrick."

Me, I think it says "State Mightily Disappointed In Patrick."

40% say Patrick has done less than they expected so far (compared with 2% saying 'more than'); 45% rate his performance below average or poor (30% above average/excellent); 49% think the state is on the wrong track (39% right track).

And that's without, I don't know, raising taxes or losing a budget battle or slicing off a baby's head or anything.

The supposed 'good news' in the poll is that most state residents have not completely given up on the Governor after the first 1/16 of his first term.

My guess is that all this bad news can be reversed pretty quickly if Patrick scores some successes -- I think the mood is disappointment rather than something deeper. But until he does turn it around, he's going to have a harder time winning those victories. He can't tell legislators that he's more popular in their district than they are anymore.
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