In the works: a new food hub in Portland
You know about the Urban Farm
Fermentory and all its award-winning kombucha, cider, and other deliciousness. But UFF founder and head
idea-man Eli Cayer has taken over the lease of a former taxi garage right next
door on Anderson
Street and is driving
it in a fascinating new direction.
Cayer's a big idea guy, and he's been dreaming about
progressive, grass-roots ways to make Portland
a better city for more than a decade now. (Remember the Hub? Or the plan to
dispense biodiesel from a site downtown? Or the cycle-rickshaws that long
predated the ones now pedaling the city streets?)
In the former ABC Taxi headquarters (the company moved to Bishop
Street recently, out
off Warren
Avenue), Cayer has
gotten contracts and city permits for the kernel of something he hopes will be
much bigger.
In the coming weeks, the Portland Phoenix will be exploring different
aspects of this new endeavor, including talking with the businesses that will
be moving there and setting up operations.
At the moment, things are still getting prepped. Here's a
look at the space as it was last week, with the UFF van parked inside. There's
a big wide-open room in which construction has begun to split it smaller work
areas for production of local food.
Take a peek here, and tell us in the comments what you think
Cayer should include in this fascinating nascent project!