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Social activist will speak at Meg Perry Center on Friday

Brian Jones (this one, not this one) will address some of the same things we did in "Take Back Barack" at the Meg Perry Center on Friday evening. "Yet, while Obama's victory has raised expectations and given people hope, the actions of his administration in the months since, from the silence on gay marriage and Palestine to the continued bailouts of the banks and a health care proposal that falls far short of what is needed, have left many asking how much has changed," says the press release. "But more than that, it has left many asking what they can do to force the change Obama was expected to deliver."

  • Fake Name said:

    You mean Barry lied to you? Meet the new boss, etc.

    August 5, 2009 1:41 PM
  • Fake Name said:

    "Social activist"? Don't you mean "socialist"? At least he's up front about it.

    August 5, 2009 2:24 PM

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