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A place for friends . . . to discover good bands
By CHRIS NELSON  |  March 7, 2006

AaNavigating MySpace can be a bit dangerous if, say, you’re on deadline. But with a little push in the right direction, there are treasures to be found from Brooklyn to Baltimore to the Bay Area. Here are three . . .

Aa, "Thirteen" (mp3 via Myspace)  | Brooklyn’s Aa (or “Big A little a”) offer a sample of what’s to come on their forthcoming Narnack full-length. “Thirteen” begins with shimmering, Black Dice-y electronics, mutates into a pounding slice of tribal psychedelia, and clocks out at 2:43, leaving you wondering what happened to the rest of the song . . .

Nump, "I Got Grapes" (mp3 via Myspace) | Now that scene veterans E-40 and Keak da Sneak have finally landed a shot with “Tell Me When To Go,” Cali’s Bay Area is fit to blow, and Nump could be next in line. 40 even lends Nump a hand on this track, a document of the Bay’s true passion: the never-ending search for purple.

Tittsworth, "The Jeffersons (Fried Fish Remix)" (mp3 via Myspace) | Maryland’s Jesse Tittsworth has been giving the Baltimore club treatment to tracks for a minute now, but this could be the one he was born to make. Over the standard thumping, hand-clapping BMore beat, Tittsworth fries George & Weezy’s theme song to perfection. Movin’ on up indeed.

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