Mira Nair at the BPL

This is a little last minute, but you should not miss the opportunity to meet and listen to Mira Nair, the director of such films as "Salaam Bombay," "Mississippi Masala," "Monsoon Wedding" and "The Namesake," to mention a few. Not only is she a fine filmmaker but she is also a knowledgeable, intelligent and witty speaker, as I have witnessed first hand. I'm sure she will be able to offer insights into such timely film subjects as making films in India, representing Indian culture on screen and depicting poverty in movies, especially in light of the Oscar-winning success of "Slumdog Milionaire." And no doubt she will have opinions on being one of the few female directors who has managed to wrest her way into making movies in Hollywood. She will be conducting a lecture today at 6 p.m. at the Rabb Auditorium at the Bostyon Public Library, 700 Boylston St. It's part of the Lowell Lecture Series on Social Justice and it's free.