
Q&A #5: Weld's Back!!!

"Andrew" asks:

What do you foresee Bill Weld's future in Mass. politics being (if any) now that he is moving back to Massachusetts?

It's true; Weld is moving back, to work at a Boston law firm, and of course there is instant speculation that he is planning to run for his old job back. Personally, I find it more likely that he could run for US Senate if Kerry leaves (it's too much to ask for a re-match, much as I'd love it), but honestly my guess is that we're not going to see his name on a ballot again.

However, your question does raise an interesting question: how do the Commonwealth's living former governors rank for their likelihood of winning back the governor's office?

Here's my list:

1) Swift. You know, she's only 47. Plenty of time for a second political act.

2) Weld. He probably killed his chances when he sucked up to conservatives in his brief attempt to run for New York governor.

3) Dukakis. You know, he could probably do the job. But he's close to 80, and the campaign would be tough.

4) Cellucci. Possibly the one with the highest approval rating, but sadly his illness rules it out.

5) Romney. Would still rank last if I included the dead former governors.

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