
New In The Phoenix -- Waiting On Warren?

In this week's issue of the Boston Phoenix -- in print tomorrow, online now -- I check into the growing buzz about Elizabeth Warren jumping into the race for US Senate. I report that Democratic activists in the state are not yet sold on the idea; they also have not been getting calls from her, as they would expect from someone already in the public-buzz phase.

The real problem is that these locals strongly suspect that Warren must be consulting with someone, and since it's nobody here it must be "Washington people." And Massachusetts Democrats think Washington Democrats exist solely to screw up politics in Massachusetts.

I personally think much of that may be a disconnect between the politically inexperienced Warren and the we-know-how-it's-done veteran insiders -- I get the impression that Warren simply hasn't started her process yet. But I don't really know.

What I do know is that when a major playor in this state sees you giving interviews to New York Magazine, when you haven't made a call to him or her.... well, that just isn't going to sit right.

Anyway, please read the article here: Warren For Senate?

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