
If You Scam Off Beck, Does It Count?

Like any concerned American, I am on Glenn Beck's promotional email list. So I almost got suckered by the email below, which I received from triple-n (The extra 'n' is for 'nuts'! Sorry, too easy to pass up.) Presumably the sender is trying to scam me into buying my year's supply of storable food to ride out the coming global monetary collapse from eFoods Direct, on the mistaken belief that two-n Glenn Beck approves. My question: does it count as a scam if you're scamming off someone to run the same scam that he's scamming? Here's the email:

I have researched as many food storage companies as I could and I've found the following options. I want to make sure all of our families have enough food when the crap hits the fan.

Food Storage Business

eFoods Direct 1Yr Supply - $2678.00 1Yr Supply - $1999.95 coupon - " first10 " must use this coupon code for price.

Mountain House 1Yr Supply - $5000.00

Food Insurance 1Yr Supply - $4000.00

Please look into getting some food to protect your family. I have done a lot of research and only found one coupon code from these 4 suppliers. Please let me know if you find any more coupons. Thanks.

Please get food storage and keep our families safe.



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