
NH House Declares End Of US

About two years ago, I wrote about the new round of "state sovereignty resolutions" being pushed in state legislatures hither and yon. Most of them were literally cut-and-pastes of resolutions pushed in the early 1990s, after Bill Clinton took office. Ridiculous, but in an unimaginative way.

New Hampshire was different. That's because A) the Live-Free-Or-Die State has a lot of people who take this kind of thing very seriously, and B) the New Hampshire House of Representatives has one of the more creatively insane conservative legislators in the country, Dan Itse.

As I wrote at the time, Itse's lengthy, rambling resolution -- which nearly passed -- declared the United States dissolved if the federal government overstepped its bounds in any of a wide variety of ways, including passage of the Serve America Act. I kid you not.

Well, thanks to the extraordinary Republican wave election up there, it was a near-certainty that Itse would be successful this time around. And today, the House easily passed the new version of his resolution.


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