Q&A #5: GOP's Next Guv Hope
"Certifiable Political Junkie" asks:
One, thinking ahead to 2014, does anyone come to mind as a plausible GOP candidate for Governor? Second, do you foresee any of the congressional incumbents retiring in order to avoid the redistricting bloodbath and a potential primary?
On the first question: Sure -- Charlie Baker, for one. He could easily redefine himself and return, if he wants to. For that matter, Kerry Healey could. Chris Egan, or perhaps another business type with some dabblings in politics. Scott Brown. Richard Tisei. How about Virginia Buckingham, who probably should have been running last year instead of her pal Charlie? I think there are plenty of possibilities, and the party would be best served by having several of them compete for the nomination next time instead of clearing the field for one as they have in recent cycles.
I'll take a pass on predicting the congressional incumbents' plans for 2012, but my sense right now is that all 10 want to run again, but that in the end a couple of them will not.