
Nat'l House Races To Watch

In my handy-dandy couch-potato's guide to the election, in the current issue of the Boston Phoenix, I gave you 20 key US House races to watch over the course of the evening.

I'm now going to give you 40 more -- 20 "must-wins" for the Democrats, and 20 "must-wins" for the Republicans.

The first batch are races that Democrats have expected to win; if any of these go to the GOP -- or even if they remain too close to call long after polls close -- that would indicate a very big night for Republican gains in the House.

Likewise, the second batch should go to the GOP in any scenario that sees the Republicans take over the House. If you see Democrats plucking off any of these, or again, if they are razor-thin margins, that could be good news for the blue team.

Again, as in the chart, I'm listing them in order of poll-closing times in their states.

Dem. Must-Wins:

6:00: KY-6

7:00/7:30: FL-22, GA-2, NC-7, OH-6, VA-9, VA-11

8:00: CT-4, MO-4, NJ-3, TX-23

9:00: MN-1, NM-1, NY-13, NY-25, RI-1

10:00: ID-1, IA-3

11:00: CA-11, CA-47

GOP Must-Wins:

7:00/7:30: FL-2, OH-1, OH-15, VA-2, VA-5

8:00/8:30: AR-1, IL-11, MD-1, MS-1, PA-3, PA-7, TN-8, TX-17

9:00: CO-4, WI-7, WI-8

10:00: AZ-1, ND-1

11:00: CA-3, WA-3

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