
Whore-Mongering, Clarke-Repudiating

So alleged comedian Lenny Clarke, who last I saw ranting as MC at a Charlie Baker rally, got caught the other day joking to a Craig Spadafora fundraiser crowd that Spadafora's Democratic opponent for state senator, state representative and Katherine Clark, is a whore. The joke, I am led to understand, went something like this: "Katherine Clark is my aunt, and a whore. Just kidding, she's not my aunt." So, you can see the, um, humor.

The Massachusetts Women's Political Caucus did not see the humor, and called on Spadafora to repudiate the comment. To his credit, he did just that, to the State House News Service, adding that he was not present at the event and will send a letter of apology to Clark.

But that's not the end of the story! As it happens, Lenny Clarke is supporting one Democrat on the ballot -- Bill Keating, in the heated Congressional race for Bill Delahunt's open seat.

The National Republican Congressional Committee is hotly involved in that race, and blasts reporters with anti-Keating emails all the time. And, as you may know, that race has pretty much turned into a mudfight over who has more disrespect for women. So, naturally the NRCC would love to link Keating to a guy who calls a respected prosecutor/lawmaker a whore.

Hence the email I just received from the NRCC,demanding that "Bill Keating needs to repudiate this deplorable comment immediately."

Well, OK... but if Keating is a bad boy for being endorsed by Clarke, then surely Charlie Baker must be a real asshole -- Clarke has been like Baker's comedic sidekick during his campaign for governor.

Plus, unlike Keating, there's actually some connection between Baker and Spadafora, whose fundraiser this happened at: that Spadafora-Clark race is for the open seat being vacated by Baker's LG pick, Richard Tisei.

So, Baker and Tisei: will you repudiate Lenny Clarke? The NRCC thinks you should!

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