
New In The Phoenix -- Consultants & Conventions

In this week's issue of the Boston Phoenix -- in print and online now -- I have a two-part column on the general theme of how Massachusetts pols are spending their campaign money.

First, I look at the political consultants. I couldn't help noticing that, even in this year in which candidates positioning themselves as outsiders, anti-establishment, and fresh voices, the consultants being paid to craft the message are mostly the same insiders who have been running the state's political campaigns for years.

Then, I look briefly at which candidates spent what at the Democratic and Republican state conventions this Spring -- and what bang they got for their bucks.

You can read it here:

Same Old Faces -- It's an outsider's year for candidates, but the consultants are old Beacon Hill mainstays. Plus, who spent what at the conventions, and Baker goes on TV first.


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