
Mass. US House Delegation #1!

...most liberal, that is, according to the new National Journal vote ratings for 2009.

The all-Democrat, 10-member Massachusetts delegation scored an 84.5 out of 100, putting us easily ahead of #2 Hawaii.

As usual, New England was well-represented on the high side of the list: Vermont #3, Connecticut #4, Rhode Island #5, Maine #8, and New Hampshire a surprisingly moderate #11, at 61.8. Paul Hodes and Carol Shea-Porter are not pulling their weight in the Great Northeast Socialist Revolution.

Rep. John Olver rated as the #1 most-liberal member of the entire House of Representatives, with a personal 95.2 rating. Barney Frank was 12th in the nation. Stephen Lynch was the Bay State's most conservative, at 67.3.

Over in the Senate, John Kerry ranked 6th most liberal with a score of 85.7. Neither Ted Kennedy or Paul Kirk cast enough votes to be rated.

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