
Q&A #10 -- Mighty Malone?

"Mark" asks:

Is Joe Malone serious about running for Congress and does he have a prayer?

In a similar vein, "Southshore Pragmatist" asks via email:

Are Republicans really dumb enough to try to capitalize on Brown's momentum by nominating a guy for Congress (Joe Malone) that essentially went into political exile for 10 years because four of his hand-picked staffers ransacked the Treasury of $9 million? 

 I think Malone is serious. What I don't know is whether it's been long enough that he can re-introduce himself in a fresh way, or if he's stuck with the taint of the past (deserved or not). It seems to me that this is not the year to be running in a Republican primary with any hint of inside-the-statehouse corruption/waste/fraud/abuse. 

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