Michael Flaherty has announced that he is running for mayor of Boston/DiMasi makes it official: he resigns Tuesday./Sam Yoon will meet with his family Feb. 7-8 weekend for final decision on mayoral run./Sam Yoon is running for Mayor of Boston./Obama about to begin economic address -- will cite Sermon on the Mount parable. We need more politicians who speak in parables!/Confirmed: Menino to announce for re-election tomorrow./Ayanna Pressley is entering the at-large Boston City Council race./Menino unilaterally announced "plans" for debates: two before prelim, one after. Flaherty & Yoon camps not on board./BTW, Menino also deposited roughly $82,000 in contributions today./WGAN News: Gov. John Baldacci will sign into law a bill that will make Maine the 5th state in the U.S. to legalize same-sex marriage./AP reports MassPike Exec Dir Alan LeBovidge has resigned. Should they dim the Zakim lights in tribute?/Martha Coakley gets Goldman settlement -- another item for her eventual Senate campaign literature/Aaron Michlewitz has raised an impressive $115k for the state rep special primary -- donors include plenty of Friends In High Places./Congress passed a res. yesterday for 30th anniv of Thatcher becoming 1st female PM. Mass. delegation all voted no, except Tsongas./NH Gov. Lynch says he'll sign re-written same-sex bill/Mass. state senate just voted to apply the sales tax to retail alcohol -- stock up now before it takes effect!/Boston at-large council -- Arroyo, Bennett, Connolly, Gonzalez, Murphy, Nguyen, Pressley, Willis w/ sig.s verified so far, more to come/Boston.com reports Sal DiMasi has been indicted. US Atty press conference at 3:30./Mass. State House scrambling: Speaker DeLeo has called a caucus of House Democrats for 1:00 today./New Hampshire is totally gay. Welcome to the club!/Boston at-large council update: looks like 15-16 candidates will make the ballot. /Globe reports: Harvard Law School's new Dean is Martha Minow, noted human-rights leader (and, like many at HLS, a BIG Obama donor)/Gov Patrick signs pension reform -- excuse me, LANDMARK pension reform bill into law./Back from moderating Boston city council candidates forum. Pretty impressive bunch of candidates, in my opinion./SC Gov. Sanford due up in 10 minutes to explain himself. My bet: he blames the whole thing on the media./If you're not watching House floor debate on Waxman-Markey, you're missing some Grade A barn-burning rhetoric this afternoon./Reports: Minnesota Supreme Court upholds election results for Al Franken./EXCLUSIVE: Boston pays biggest-yet $3.8 million wrongful-conviction settlement; total in recent cases over $10m/I just posted about Sam Yoon's weak fundraising:/Baker, Cahill, Mihos, Patrick (& Tim Murray), Grossman, and more TBD all to run multi-million-dollar campaigns... local TV ad reps rejoice!/Um, Sec'y of Defense 'cuffed??? RT @: Gov. Patrick "very troubled" by arrest of Robert Gates/Pres. Obama whacked Cambridge PD pretty hard -- makes me wonder if CPD ever hassled the future Pres during his HLS days?/How do you say "Mayor McChicken" in spanish? My new blog post on the MassVOTE forums:/Missed opportunity -- Deval should have blamed hip problem on T crash, blamed Grabauskas/"YoonTube" -- shoulda seen that coming:/Woke up to the news that Sen. Ted Kennedy passed away./National punditry beginning 'Romney for Mass. Senate?' speculation. Put money on IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN./One of the few remaining prominent Rs in New England, VT Gov Jim Douglas, will not run for re-election: /Hear Dukakis set as temp Senator. Together, Mass. senators will have winning number of electoral college votes/"Climb that hill together" might be emotional highlight of the week. Destined to become part of all future EMK video bio packages./Cambridge has two mommies! Mayor Denise Simmons got married yesterday./For the record, I believe BOTH Vicki and Joe K. are actively considering running. Also, my prediction for the temp appt is Paul Kirk./ran into menino in wbz hallway. seemed in good spirits - called me buddy/Menino has the best tie - 2 pts/Mcrea sure seems like he belongs on the stage/I may have spoken too soon about mccrae/Coakley announces for Senate -- so what happens with her AG position if she wins?/Yoon is giving his 'can't wait 4 more years' speech - I've heard it before but it's a good one/Joe K. and Kerry Healey join the ever-growing 'not running' list./Sources say Coakley is scheduled to meet w/ EMILY's List for endorsement this week. If Vicki's running, she'd better speak up quick./RT @: BREAKING: Mike Capuano pulls papers to run for Mass Senate Special.../RT @: Meehan will not run for MA-Sen... very big news... (via @)/I've been asking people if Alan Khazei might run for the Senate seat. They called me crazy, but the Globe now says he's thinking about it/Q to menino on his speaking style. really maria?/I love covering politics in this state! RT @: Jack E. Robinson Pulls Papers../Flaherty & Yoon call today for criminal investigation of Menino admin for email deletion. Can't wait to host mayoral forum tmw!/Officially NOT running for Senate: Card, Delahunt, Frank, Joe Kennedy, Markey, McGovern, Meehan, Mihos, Murray, Neal, Tierney, Tsongas./Sudden thought: are the mayoral candidates going to judge MY tie at the forum tonight?/Jinx! New Flaherty TV ad & Yoon radio ad both ask voters to have the "courage to change" Boston./Globe's Levenson reports Doug Rubin, Tad Devine, Joel Benenson on board for possible Pagliuca Senate bid -- now I have to take it seriously/Steve Lynch is out -- will not run for Senate. I did not see that coming./"Vote for Tito Jackson" track by Larry Woo has dropped. Game-changer? Should Menino commission one?/Menino finance report shows his pre-prelim ad buy is over $500,000. I guess he's taking it seriously./An obvious political ploy! (but congrats anyway) RT @: Happy to announce the birth of Edward Ronan Connolly tonight at 9:14PM/Southie morning vote numbers are actually higher than in Guv primary '06; Hyde Park not keeping up. Has Flaherty's people peppy./Reports say the Mass. Senate has approved the Senate succession bill. Gov should sign it quickly./Mass GOP chair Nassour calls Senate-succession passage "a new low" in Mass. politics. Is she new to the state or something?/Kerry, Kennedy, now Kirk... does this Mass Senate K-streak bode well for Alan Khazei?/Holy Bejeezus RT @: Kirwan stepping down as Patrick budget chief./Flaherty to announce Yoon joining his "ticket" -- will campaign together; Yoon to be dep'y mayor if Flaherty elected/Please, someone verify before he un-follows it, that US Sen cand. @ is the one and only twitter follower of @/Menino calls Yoon deal jobs for votes - why would he want to create more headlines on this?/Uh-oh... no explosion visible on moon... my first-take journalistic analysis: moon people have anti-missile defenses./Globe poll: Menino 52%, Flaherty 32%. Flaherty's own polling, provided to me: Menino 48%, Flaherty 38%./Boston Phoenix endorses Connolly, Murphy, Pressley, & Arroyo for city council:/Oh no, the Herald did NOT just trash @!!!! I take back anything nice I ever said about that rag (which is not much...)/"version 2.0" -- esp. in quotes-- is not forward-looking RT @: I'm proud to announce our new campaign website “version 2.0”/Robo-calls for Ayanna Pressley: J. Kerry, A. Cabral, M. Ross, J. Tobin, S. Chang-Diaz, Steve Tolman, W.M. Allen, G. Fox, B. Rushing, M. Walz/Menino camp sez he won 57-42/Who needs Dianne? At least four black women in Boston are legit possible future mayors: Golar-Richie, Cabral, Dorcina Forry, and Pressley/New report cites 51 unfunded MBTA projects classified as ‘a danger to life or limb of passengers and/or employees.' Enjoy your commute!/I said the key for Flaherty was losing black precincts 60-40 rather than 70-30; 1st look at #s suggests Menino took over 70%/Globe: "It’s almost inconceivable that Menino will run again in 2013." I do not think that word means what they think it means./Low blow! After Coakley says she'd vote against health care bill, Pagliuca says "casting a no vote would be to side with Joe Lieberman."/DEVELOPING??? Nancy Pelosi to speak at Harvard Friday - might she have something to say about her lieutenant Mike Capuano while in town???/Does Pags do Bain Capital's "Dog on Your Car Roof Day"? RT @: Coakley to participate in "Dogs at Your Desk Day"/EXCLUSIVE -- Nancy Pelosi to endorse Capuano tmw, details to come/A thought -- maybe Pags was talking about bringing back the NBA draft for kids straight from high school/DeNucci takes the hint: SHNS reports that the Mass. Auditor will not run for re-election. (Stampede to file underway...)/Capuano names John Audubon as enviro hero; journo jokes that JA also shot birds; Cap sez b/c they wouldn't sit still for him to paint them/No supplemental? They'll pass it in informal session? This is for real? My Mass. leg. peeps better have their spin on good today./Republican St. Sen. Minority leader Richard Tisei casually comes out publicly as gay in today's Globe/Diane Patrick endorsing Michael Capuano./Why I love and emulate Alex Beam: a whole column on Coakley's looks, w/ gratuitous aside about Hillary's ass/Sources w/ 3 Senate campaigns leak me polling info - the race is tightening or not depending on who you believe/EXCLUSIVE: Coakley's pollster claims a 21-point lead; Capuano's pollster claims it's 7 points. /Massachusetts has taken a big step toward electing a babealicious US Senator -- but he still has to beat Martha Coakley in January. Hey-yo!