
Coakley Strong, Capuano 2nd

Give the Globe some credit -- after getting some guff about their selectiveness in their last UNH poll on the mayor's race, they seem to have done a much better job with their new poll on the US Senate race, which is in today's paper and online.

We still don't know who's really going to show up for a special election primary in December, but there's nothing the Globe can do about that unknown.

The results have Coakley still holding a solid lead among likely voters, with the electorate still largely undecided. Capuano is in second, with a decent gap between him and Pagliuca, while Khazei remains mired in single digits.

It looks like Cap may be successfully fending off Pags and making this a two-person race. The good news for Cap: he's the second choice of most Coakley voters, so he may be able to peel some away. The good news for Coakley: she's the second choice of everyone else's voters, which means there's no large "anti-Martha" vote waiting to coalesce around Capuano.

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