
The Other GOP Chair Battle

The Massachusetts Republican Party is looking for a new chairman, to replace outgoing Friend of Mitt Darryl Crate. But of perhaps greater interest to Romney is the race for chair of the New Hampshire GOP, where Wayne Semprini is not running for re-election to the post for medical reasons.

The state party chairman traditionally remains neutral in the Presidential primary, but can nevertheless be a powerful friend -- or enemy -- in many ways. So it will be interesting to follow the fate of Manchester state rep. Will Infantine, who announced Monday that he is running. Infantine, who also runs an insurance agency, has been on board with Romney's Commonwealth PAC and Presidential steering committee, and was expected to have a role in the Presidential campaign.

Of course, the NH GOP has a lot more to worry about than Presidential politics -- it has to figure out how to bounce back from the monumental whuppin' it took on November 7, when the Democrats took control of both legislative chambers and stole both congressional seats.

Infantine is the third candidate for the Jan. 27 election, joining another state rep., Fran Wendelboe of New Hampton, and Wolfeboro businessman Fergis Cullen.

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