
Gov's race: videos for the losers

If you're like me, you can only read so many firsthand reports from polling places before you get a bit bored. So let's try something different, shall we?

Obviously, two of the three Democratic candidates for governor are done after today. Now, here in America we love to create video montages--slo-mo highlights of some just-concluded experience, set to some kind of sad/inspirational music.

Here's my question: for each of the three candidates, which tune would go best with their I'm-a-loser montage? And which highlights would you include?

For Tom Reilly, I'll propose "My Way," sung by Frank Sinatra. Images should include him scolding Gabrieli in the penultimate debate, but also a highlight or two from the final debate, which he pretty much won. Also, we'd need him standing in front of the Watertown apartment.

Other thoughts?

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