
Reilly: Detroit, my ass!

Something about the most recent Tom Reilly press release made me laugh out loud--not at Reilly, or at Chris Gabrieli, but just at the prevailing wacky mood heading into the last weekend before the Democratic governor's primary.

Aw, who am I kidding--of course I was laughing at Reilly!

Anyway, the best/worst part of the release follows. (If you want to hear Reilly's beefs with Gabriel on taxes, outsourcing, in-state tuition, etc., let me know and I'll send you the whole shebang; meanwhile, you can find Gabrieli's "Detroit" gaffe and the rest of his Globe ed board meeting here.) But first, let me note one very important thing: Gabrieli actually wasn't mocking Springfield Mitt Romney-style. He was saying that the city--which, in case you missed it, is in pretty crappy shape these days--is dying slowly as residents abandon it for nearby suburbs. Not a laugh line, exactly.

And now, it's time for Tom to kick some millionaire tail!

Reilly Demands That Gabrieli Publicly Apologize To The People of Springfield For Comparing City to Detroit

In eye-popping Globe interview, also changes position on immigration and praises benefits of outsourcing jobs to India

SPRINGFIELD – Attorney General and Springfield native Tom Reilly today demanded that Chris Gabrieli apologize to the people of Springfield for mocking the city – Mitt Romney style – and comparing Springfield to Detroit.

"Just because Springfield is more economically diverse than Louisburg Square doesn’t mean it’s a bad city or something to mock," Reilly said. “I’m proud of my home city, I believe in its future and what it needs is a Governor who cares about Springfield, not another out of touch Governor who mocks it."

"Mitt Romney infamously called Lawrence ‘Kennedy Country.’ Well I’m proud to call Springfield ‘Reilly Country.’ This is an insult to Springfield and Chris ought to publicly apologize to the people of Springfield."

The Boston Globe published the odd remark today on its website, excerpted from Gabrieli’s editorial board interview with the newspaper. In it, Gabrieli notes that the towns around Springfield are "doing fine" but says "Springfield is Detroit."

Reilly, campaigning in his home city today, called for the apology and said Gabrieli ought to spend more time off Beacon Hill and his summer home in posh Beverly before he makes such rash generalizations.
This kind of comment is nothing new from the out of touch Gabrieli, who spent yesterday arguing with fellow millionaire Kerry Healey about stock options and million-dollar investments....

Way to go, Tommy Boy. That'll learn 'em.

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