
Healey = kingmaker?

The LG's campaign has a new TV spot intimating that Chris Gabrieli supports stem-cell research because it'll make him a whole bunch of cash. (Thanks to WRKO's John DePetro for running audio of the ad on his show this morning.)

This certainly suggests that Healey sees Gabrieli as the biggest threat in the general, and is trying to ensure that either Deval Patrick or Tom Reilly wins Tuesday's primary. I can't see Gabrieli supporters changing their minds as a result, but it could keep some waffling Tom Reilly backers from jumping ship to Gabs at the last minute--and if things get really tight, that could help tilt the balance in Patrick's favor.

Healey's camp said they couldn't get me an audio or video clip of the spot, and that that they wouldn't be putting it up on their web site. (If I remember correctly, Healey's never mentioned.) If any readers see it, please let the rest of us know what you think.

NOTE: Gabs is holding a press conference on the State House steps at 2 p.m. today to respond to Healey's ad. The drama!

UPDATE: Here's the text of Healey's advertisement. Apologies for any formatting issues.



(MVO) Chris Gabrieli the politician wants taxpayers to borrow a billion dollars to invest in stem cells and high tech health.



(FVO) But Gabrieli the tycoon isn’t telling us that he was a director and owns a stock fortune in a company which could profit from his stem cell plan.





(FVO) It’s just one of Gabrieli’s companies that could boom with a billion dollars of our money.


(MVO) If you support stem cell research


(FVO) But oppose Beacon Hill inside deals


(MVO) Say no to Chris Gabrieli.





Boston Globe Banner: “Gabrieli to offer $1 billion stem cell plan.” 5/11/06




Boston Globe Banner: “Investments in healthcare and biotechnology startups had made … Gabrieli wealthy beyond his dreams.” 9/12/06


Boston Herald Banner: “Gabrieli portfolio stocked with scandal.” 9/10/06


Text: Support Stem Cell Research


Oppose Beacon Hill Inside Deals


Say No to Chris Gabrieli Committee


Paid for by the Healey for Governor Committee with Healey mug shot.






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