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Join the effort!

In addition to the petition for a Cabinet-level Secretary of Arts, there are plenty of other groups out there pushing Obama in a progressive direction. What's your issue? Here are a few to choose from, and places you can add your voice to the discussion. Robert Scheer at Truthdig has some reasons why, and so does Naomi Klein, but really, you already know why. Just jump in.

 -Organic and local food: has a petition for a sustainable US Department of Agriculture and includes information on twelve people who would be good as high-level (though not at the actual top) officials in the USDA.

-Health care: A pair of Facebook groups are pushing former Vermont governor Howard Dean, a medical doctor, as the new secretary of health and human services.

 -Unions: and the Service Employees International Union are teaming up for some pretty progressive labor pushes, as well as some other more generally progressive issues.

-Prosecuting Bush: Here's a story listing the lawmakers you should call to urge them to come forward and press charges.

-Support the stimulus package: Obama has asked for house parties to organize people to back it and contact their legislators.


  • Fake Name said:

    Ah yes, those all important house parties.

    February 8, 2009 12:58 PM

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Chronicling efforts to encourage President-elect Barack Obama to remain true to the progressive principles and efforts that swept him into office. Scrutinizing new appointments and decisions by his transition team and explaining whether they represent (capital-C) Change or just more of the same.

Sunday, February 08, 2009  |  Sign In  |  Register
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