
Meet the Mayor: Hub Comics


Welcome to "Meet the Mayor," a segment in which we interview local Foursquare Mayors in their natural habitats.

Hub Comics
John Warren Hanawalt

All-time best experience at Hub Comics?
Eavesdropping on another customer talking to one of the staffers about how every man alive at one point was in love with Princess Leia in her gold bikini. The staffer explained that, actually, some men at the time were more interested in Han Solo. That was sort of perfect.

If you had to choose between the ability to fly and the ability to become invisible...?
I'd probably pick being invisible.... No, no, I'd have to say flying. Being invisible would make my commute easier because people would talk to me less, but flying would circumvent that issue altogether.

Who would be the best superhero to protect Union Square?
Which superhero would be best equipped to prevent bike theft? I would pick that one. Batman, in some ways, is the worst superhero for Union Square because he's this big rich guy, and Union Square is always fighting about gentrification. At the same time, he also seems to have plenty of free time on his hands to stop random street thugs. Maybe he would at least donate bicycles to people who had theirs stolen.

Want to be interviewed about your Foursquare mayorship? Give us a shout: tweet @bostonphoenix or email And for tips, friend us:


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