SpookyWorld is a bloody good time
With All Hallow's Eve 2K12 just ten days away, we're counting down the nights with all the spooky ooky, creepy crawly things there are to do in this town (and just outside it) this Halloween. That, plus all the costume parties, Halloween cover shows, themed pub crawls, seasonal dinners, and the like that you can cram into the end of your October. We're kicking off the countdown with a roundup of some haunted houses and weird-ass museums at which you can scare the pants off yourself (or soil 'em depending on your fear threshold) this Halloween season.
Factory of Terror | New England's largest haunted house attraction, located
in Fall River.
The three massive haunts are "Gothic Nightmare 3D and 4D,"
"Bloodworth Dungeon" and "Phobia Mayhem." | Thurs-Wed 6:30
pm | $20 | factoryofterror.com
Haunted Harvard Tour | Through the Harvard University campus and the Cambridge
Burying Yard, with ghost stories and Harvard history along the way | Thurs-Sun
7:30 pm | $20 | 617.354.1441
The Hidden Hotel | Haunted house experience in which guests explore a once
glamorous, now abandoned and decrepit old hotel. Partial proceeds benefit Cops
for Kids with Cancer. | Thurs-Sun 6 pm | $18 | thehiddenhotel.com
Medical Oddities | Spook yourself at tours of Mass General's museum that
features, among other objects, odd-looking medical instruments and other
curiosities with which your mind can run wild | free with museum
admission | 617.724.8009
SpookyWorld | Nightmare New England/Spookyworld has six separate
haunted houses: House of Eternal Darkness, Freak Show in 3D, Torment, The
Colony, and Brigham Manor, all located out in the middle of a creepy-ass field
in New Hampshire | Thurs-Sun + Oct 31 @ 5 pm | $29.99-$34.99 | spookyworld.com
Tour The Warren Anatomical Museum | Harvard Med School's anatomical museum's current
collection features approximately 15,000 artifacts and cases including
anatomical models, medical instruments and machines, the skull of Phineas Gage,
and other rare and strange items guaranteed to creep you out this time of year
| free | 617.432.1000
Witch's Woods | Haunted hayride, Jack O' Lantern Jamboree, and three
haunted houses: Nightmare
Mansion, 3D Keeper's
Crypt, and Castle Morbid | Thurs-Sun @ 6:30 pm | $30 |
Don't forget to check out our full Halloween listings -- parties, shows, horror movie marathons, and more-- at thephoenix.com!