Oh hey we're a magazine now. Check out our knuckle tattoos.

All yr glossiez r belong to us
As of today, the Phoenix has officially re-launched in our new
magazine format. Our debut issue is 150 glossy pages of news and
politics, arts and culture, food and fashion -- everything from Harvey Silvergate's Freedom Watch column and Chris Faraone's recap of the DNC on LSD to Michael Marotta's pix for local records to look for this fall and my feature on Brooklyn's DIIV, who play Brighton Music Hall with Captured Tracks label-mates Wild Nothing tonight.
night, we celebrated the re-launch with a fun party downtown at Tico.
(Also fun -- the music department's unofficial after party: Hundred
Waters + Mutual Benefit at Great Scott . . . incredible show.) I guess
everyone at Tico was pretty into these new semi-permanent "WHAT/EVER"
knuckle tattoos I've been inking onto myself, and wanted some DIY 'knuck
tatz' of their own. Pro tip for Editorial Assistants: always carry a
thick sharpie for fun situations like this, when many of your editors
have consumed a bunch of free tequila and decide they want you to
scribble alt-weekly-themed 8-letter phrases across their knucles. #YOLO
evidence below. Kinda bummed there are no photos of Shaula Clark's
"COPY/EDIT" or the "SMLL/FEES" tattoo requested by one of the guys from Bowery Boston . . . maybe they will surface at some point.

Sort of related: found Pretty & Nice and Oberhofer at the Sil at like 1 AM, tagged them too #hehe