Fact: This guy will not be having sex tonight
Attention all Boston coeds: we'd like to issue an official statement. Squeezing into a 10-year-old's party skirt, teetering around on six-inch heels, and slapping some sort of animal headgear on your dome does not qualify as a costume. Maybe a particuarly festive streetwalker. We know, we know, Halloween is the one time of the year that it's cool to get all slutted up without fear of judgement (other than ours, of course) but if we see one more "sexy" bunny/mouse/aardvark (well, actually, that would be sort of cool) we're going to lose it. And while we know that shit might fly at a BU frat party (plus free admission and a guarantee to get laid) it ain't going to cut it at the costume parties we've rounded up. The same goes for the bros: if you're dressed as a giant mangina, an "official pussy inspector" or in any other costume referencing the female genitalia, you're on our hit list. Creativity is the word of the day, people, so get after it.
The Official Salem Halloween Witches Halloween Ball
| Friday, October 28 @ the Hawthorne Hotel | Rest assured Salem's
Halloween-happy witches aren't going to let you get away with a
half-assed costume tonight
Fourth Fridays Goes 80s Halloween Party | Friday, October 28 @ the Milky Way | Break out the spandex and leg warmers for a costume dance party with DJ Super Squirrel
Spook-tacularly Elegant Halloween
| Friday, Oct 28 @ the Taj Boston Hotel | While DJ Edvin spins, there
will be a costume contest, fortune tellers, appetizers, dance
performances, and a raffle
Nancy Neon's Halloween Ball | Saturday, October 29 @ the Cantab Lounge | With music by Happy Little Clouds, Sitcky Business, Sourpuss, and more
Revenge of the Freeky Fright Nights Halloween Costume Party + Contest | Saturday, October 29 @ the Fourth Wall Project | FREE costme bash in conjunction with the Halloween-themed exhibit of new works by over fifty area artists
Halloweekend Pub Crawl | Saturday, October 29, kicks off @ Goodbar | If you're going bar-to-bar without a costume, you're not Halloween crawling, you're just a drunk. Suit up, they're having a costume contest somewhere along the way
3rd Annual Zombie Prom | Saturday, October 29 @ Vic's Boathouse in Salem | They're awarding prizes to the Zombie Prom King and Queen- judging based on best/grossest undead costume- so funk it up. FREE admission and music by the Ross Livermore Band
Halloween Costume Party | Saturday, Oct 29 @ Estate | Peeps get all decked out for a run-of-the-mill Thursday night at the Estate, so you better believe they want you to dress like you mean it for a plush Halloween party, with music by DJ Jason Smith
Halloween Party | Saturday, October 29 @ the Villa Victoria | Open bar, DJ, live music, and dancing. Dress the eff up for a good cause- giving opportunities to others in the arts
Raven: Dyke Night's 13th Annual Costume Ball | Saturday, October 29 @ the House of Blues Foundation Room | Hey laaaaadies. It's Boston's largest lesbian night....with costumes contests, tarot card readings, and music from DJ Double D
Hot Chix Halloween | Saturday, october 29 @ Ralph's Rock Diner | Ok, ok, we know we called a moratorium on sexy costumes, but ladies in "naughty costumes" get $3 off admission. We're pretty sure that sexy bunnies qualify. With live music, burlesque by Machete and Malice in Wonderland, Bowie
covers, Jagermeister drink specials and giveaways, and more
And for even more Halloween parties, events, and more check out our complete Halloween Listings!