Our Kanye: Noam Chomsky to visit #OccupyBoston today (UPDATE: event postponed until Saturday, 10/22)
Almost immediately after #OccupyBoston began, people started wondering when NOAM CHOMSKY would show up. Short of Howard Zinn or my old BU prof Murray Levin rising from the grave, a visit from Chomsky is about as close as you could come to having Kanye showing up in Zuccotti Park. The celebrated linguist and activist recorded a video calling the Occupation exciting and exhilirating, and there was speculation at the beginning of October that he might show up within a few days of the establishment of the occupation. That didn't happen. But Chomsky is confirmed to appear this evening at 6:15 pm (Saturday, 10/22 at a time TBA) at Dewey Square to give -- wait for it -- a Howard Zinn Memorial Lecture as part of Occupy's Free School University, which is open to all. We'll have live coverage from the scene: follow @BostonPhoenix on Twitter for real-time developments.