
Meet the Mayor: #OccupyBoston

Welcome to "Meet the Mayor," a segment in which we interview local Foursquare Mayors in their natural habitats.

#Occupy Boston
Emily Ferola

Things look a lot calmer here tonight than they do on YouTube.
It's pretty chill. They're just having the GA. I think people are recuperating from what happened [last week]. I was watching from across the street, standing around the sidelines. I didn't necessarily agree with the moving of camps. I didn't want to get too involved and get in trouble or anything.

The cops plowed through some 60-something-ish veterans to get to the protesters. Why do those cops hate America?
I don't think they hate America. 

I read in the Herald that the occupiers are too lazy to get jobs, yet you're coming from work. What's the deal?
I honestly don't know. I don't really appreciate that, either. A lot of people I know here are working people. Sometimes, the media tries to skew things with their own opinion.

What's next for Occupy Boston?
There are different paths we could go down. We could get in trouble and get shut down, or we could keep being peaceful, get organized, and get a clear message of we're trying to convey. We don't have a centralized message, so the media is able to skew it different ways.


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