Everybody Poops: And now everybody can drive, too

If you think that the latest advancement in environmentally sound automobiles is totally full of shit....you're right. Introducing the Bio-Bug: a car fuled entirely by human excrement. The Bio-Bug, the brainchild of a team of British engineers aided by a sewage waste plant, is a converted VW Beetle that runs off of the methane produced by human waste...and human waste alone. Though the gaseous little car isn't the first of it's kind, it is the very first vehicle to run on methane without any reduction in or loss of performance, according to it's creators' reports. According to Bio-Bug team, the crap flushed down the tubes of a mere 70 homes produces enough viable methane to power the car for 10,000 miles. Which is the equivalent of one full year of mileage for the average driver.
And while one can't help but imagine scenarios in which driver who finds himself on empty chows down a couple of extra-bean burritos for a quickie roadside fuel-up, this sounds like a pretty awesome, and sustainable, idea. Because, if there's one thing that's for sure, everybody poops.