Gadgets Gone Wild!

Well, well. It appears that Prince was right. Electronics really are out to get us. In a fine example of a guy getting burned (literally) by his attachment to technology, an Apple customer recently brought a charred iPhone 4 into an AT&T store looking for an exchange. And some answers. It seems that his smart phone became increasingly hotter while plugged into the man's computer with a standard USB cable, finally sparking into flames. The affronted customer burned his hand on the fiery gadget (why did he touch it? it was in flames) which, needless to say, was rendered completely unusable once the flames had been doused. [Note: we don't know if there was an actual inferno, we doubt it. But still, the thing burned. That can't be rightl.) We're just going to chalk this up to a completely anomalous occurrence and maybe some faulty wiring in the new model, but just in case..perhaps we should all heed Prince's tidings of doom and get outside for a while. Soak up some nature. After all, look what happened in Pulse. There's just isn't an app to combat that.