Want Cirque du Soleil tickets? #findtheegg

A first glipmse of the Ovo egg. For more info, follow us at twitter.com/BostonPhoenix
In the wise words
of food critic Robert Nadeau: "Being a good dog is the essence of a
thing; being a good person is a garnish on top of a thing." But what of
being a good egg? Well, if that egg happens to be Cirque du Soleil's Ovo, it might just be the one thing that can unite us all. Or at least it should make for a fun night out.
On July 22, Ovo
rolls into Boston. This latest Cirque production promises to immerse us
in "the teeming and energetic world of insects" (who, to judge from the
trailer, have some seriously flexible exoskeletons); their story begins
when these bugs discover a giant, mysterious egg in their midst.
Do you want tickets to Ovo? Of course you do. But you gotta work for 'em. You must Find The Egg.
Today at noon, egg-bearing Phoenix street teamers be handing out Ovo tickets to Cirque at three secret Boston locations. How do you find them? Follow us @BostonPhoenix
-- we'll be giving you clues via Twitter all morning. The
first person to find the egg will win a free pair of tickets; everyone
else who comes out will have a chance to win some other fine swag as
well. And if you're stumped, track all the chatter with the hashtag #findtheegg. Happy hunting!