Great White hype: What would you ask a shark expert?

Hey, folks -- I'm going to be interviewing the Discovery
Channel's "Shark Guy" (and local marine biologist) Dr. Greg Skomal on
Monday, and I want your input.
Skomal just put out a new book, The Shark Handbook,
which is awesome. (And if you're caught reading it in a restaurant,
will probably cause your server to start squealing giddily about the
Discovery Channel's "Shark Week.") So I'm going to be asking him about
the book.
But I also want to give you guys the opportunity to
ask Skomal anything (well, anything shark-related). What are your most
deep, burning, unresolved questions about sharks? Let us know in the
comments, or drop me a line at, and I will ask the man
on Monday afternoon. The article hits the street June 12, but I'll try
to post his responses here, too.
In exchange, I give you my 4 favorite shark videos du jour. (Please feel free to post your own personal shark-vid picks in the comments.)
1) Sharktopus! The ultimate battle between dogfish and cephalopod
2) A Tribute to Helicoprion, the ridiculous prehistoric shark with buzzsaw teeth
3) The "Living Fossil" shark (who did not live very long after the video was shot)
4) The Goblin Shark -- he's a-gobblin', all right; check out those crazy chompers