What's Anime Boston? Find out what it is, plus how to win a free VIP pass!

Where's Bulma?
I was up pretty late last night. How could I have been so irresponsible on a Wednesday? Well, I have an awful lot of work to do before Friday morning, and the list taped to my apartment wall still has a few items that aren’t crossed off: “finish armor,” “paint gloves,” “make arm bracelets,” and a couple other bits and pieces that I’ll have to wrap up tonight. I’m going to Anime Boston on Friday -- a convention that is probably better known to Bostonians as the biggest, dorkiest costume party you can imagine.
Anime Boston has grown into one of the largest anime conventions on the East Coast. This weekend, upwards of 10K attendees will be swarming Hynes Convention Center, and they’ll also trickle out into the Prudential, Newbury Street, and the T. Most of them will be cosplaying as characters from their favorite Japanese anime TV shows, manga, and video-games. Wearing a silly outfit in public ain’t easy, but power in numbers gives even the shyest nerd the confidence to do it. It’s a sight you can only see once a year, and most cosplayers won’t mind at all if you want to take a picture. Or just gawk.
If you’re interested in attending the con yourself, you can win one of several of the Phoenix's Anime Boston VIP badges from me tomorrow morning, starting at 9 AM. All you have to do is follow the Phoenix on Twitter, then check our updates to find out where I'll be. Every time I give away a new pass, I’ll be changing my location, so you’ll need to stay on your toes. I’ll be dressed as Bulma from Dragonball, and if you’ve never seen it (shame on you -- it's hilarious!), then look for the girl with a turquoise wig and a pink T-shirt with the word “Bulma” written on it.
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