Stay cold, lose weight

If you thought this long ass winter was good for nothing, you're wrong. If you're looking to lose weight and expel some extra energy, get outside with one less layer on and shiver your way to a skinnier, more bikini-ready, you. At least that's what a new study from the Joslin Diabetes Center, an affiliate of Harvard Medical School, is basically saying.
The short story is this, as kids we all have this brown type of fat in our bodies that isl active in burning calories and using energy rather than the regular ole white fat that stores up the fat. Now, researchers believe they have found the brown fat to be present in adults as well. And what triggers the brown fat to start burning through those fat cells in our bodies? Cold weather. Also, the more in shape you are, the more brown fat you are likely to have, says this study which was published in the New England Journal of Medicine back in August 2008.
The study of over 1,900 people has now been supported by the Clinical Investigator Training Program of Beth Israel
Deaconess Medical Center - Harvard/MIT Health Sciences and Technology.
So take off your coat and go for a stroll. If it's going to be 40-something degrees in the middle of spring, you might as well make it worth your while!
Read the full press release.