Cursebird: Who the fuck has Twitter's dirtiest mouth?
Once again proving that the innernets are dragging down the level of discourse in this godforsaken fucking country, the genius Twitter mashup CURSEBIRD wins our timesuck-of-the-day award for showing a real-time feed of . . . every single person who posts a Tweet with a nasty word in it.
That would have been enough to amuse us for at least half an hour. But Cursebird also lets you search by Twitter username to discover how many f-bombs they've dropped in the past week -- and then shows that person's overall ranking relative to everyone else.
Which means that next week, instead of talking about who's got the #1 book on, you're going to be talking about who's in Cursebird's top 10.
Or -- won't we? Right now, a strategic notable omission is the ability to view the top-ranked pottymouths. (Though with a little bit of Googling, you'll find that the #1-ranked Cursebird is this guy.) The site's surfacing random rankings at the top of the page -- but doesn't let you instantly click through to the highest-ranked. Which means instead you sit there staring at the ticker, hoping you'll accidentally see someone in the teens. After a few minutes of that, you'll start entering usernames to see if any famous people rank higher than the plebes . . .

Well, hell, we'll take that as a compliment. Especially since, it seems, even gangster rappers don't swear like gangster rappers:

From our (albeit brief) surfing, the highest-ranking person we could find was . . . Questlove?

Say it ain't so, Mr. Posi Rapper! In his defense, Quest twitters with the frequency of a 13 year old girl, so a few four-letter-words were bound to make it into his feed. But dude: did you know you curse even more that curses curse?