Shepard Fairey bombs Boston Phoenix boxes at the ICA

Next time you pick up your copy of the fishwrap edition, you may end up getting a facefull of SHEPARD FAIREY. As part of his one-man museum show "Supply and Demand," which opens this weekend, his crew has been bombing Boston Phoenix newsboxes -- not to mention the actual Boston Phoenix building -- which will be on view at the ICA Boston. For more behind-the-scenes footage of the ICA installation, check out the ICA's official Flickr feed.
Check back next week for full coverage of Obey-mania, which kicks off tonight with the VIP reception tonight, an artist's talk on Thursday, and a beyond-sold-out Obey Experiment jumpoff on Friday night with DJ sets from Fairey, Z-Trip, and Hot Pink Delorean.
VIDEO: Boston Phoenix interviews Shepard Fairey
VIDEO: Shepard Fairey murals Boston Phoenix building
SLIDESHOW: Boston Phoenix gets a Shepard Fairey facelift
SEE ALL ARTICLES: Shepard Fairey