Dispatch From The Delusional Chuck Turner's Latest Press Conference

Chuck Turner
didn’t call this morning’s press conference at his Dudley Square district office to talk
about media harassment, like he did this past Monday outside City Hall.
Instead, he came “to talk about media incompetence.”
But before he
got to spanking those of us who have been reaming him in editorials, Turner
reiterated his innocence: “I don’t have the slightest fear that I’ll spend one
day in jail,” he said. Luckily, unlike FBI agents, his constituents don’t mind
being lied to.
In an effort to
project more negative thoughts into your mind, as Turner suggests is my mission
as a servant of my boss/editor/oppressor, I’ll address some statements that the
councilor dropped this morning.
In a moment of
profound bullshit, Turner said: “There have been no media stories regarding the
relationship between the development of the Boston Workers Alliance (BWA) and
my office.” Great point – unless, of course, you consider this Globe article,
this Bay State Banner piece, or this Herald profile (which was generously written
at the onset of Turner’s alleged media trial).
As for coverage
of Turner’s initiatives – most specifically CORI reform – the councilor can
simply check right here on the BWA press page. Maybe he should be concerned
about how much his issues have been covered instead of bitching about how he’s
been ignored (which isn’t true either).
My other
favorite punchline was: “What to me is truly fascinating is that the media has
not produced one story on the fact that I am the only Boston City Councilor who
in the modern era has maintained an office in the community.” Turner might have
wanted to search Boston.com before belting that one; he would have found this, this,
and this.
I can’t believe
I’m defending Fox 25 News (which, for all you screaming Turner nuts out there,
is different than Fox News, by the way), but on Monday night they ran this reel
featuring several occasions on which they’ve covered the councilor. Turner’s
wife, who he said this morning monitors newscasts for him, must have missed
that one.
Of course, much
like the way Turner’s supporters wouldn’t believe that he took a bribe if they
were standing right there, I’m sure they’re unwilling to follow the above links
and discover what a phoney their representative is. A sign hanging outside the
District 7 office this morning revealed their mentality: “Chuck Turner is the
Only Politician I’ve Ever Trusted.”
Near the end of
his tirade, after blasting the media for not running with yesterday’s Ron
Wilburn developments (even though he admitted that they did), Turner spoke
about assembling a Boston Critical Thinkers Network in which operatives would
scrutinize the media. You know – because members of the press are incapable of
thinking critically.
While I have
little doubt that such a network will never materialize into anything
substantial, I will recommend that they begin by analyzing everything that
Turner says during his latest crusade “to speak truth and justice.”
Also – on a side
note – am I crazy or is it outrageously ironic to talk about critical thinking
while standing next to a guy wearing a clerical collar? I can’t speak for my
Turner should
have just pulled the race card; it would have been completely acceptable as
long as Sal DiMasi remains the most powerful big dick swinger on Beacon Hill. Trust me – Boston’s thinking community is well aware
that federal agents are targeting black politicians.
But pulling the
media card is as ridiculous as it’s transparent. For one, the majority of his
allegations are laughably unfounded. And for two, he’s just making himself look
crazier than he did every time he dropped foreign policy gems at city council
Turner initiated
his press predicament before he was arrested, before he kicked us around City Hall
Plaza, and before he
defended Dianne Wilkerson (which he’s still doing). All we’ve ever had to do to
make him look foolish was stick tape recorders in his face.