Street Style: Chilled, Cropped, Buttoned Up

© Christine Atturio
A note from your street style correspondents: We vow to leave the Boston University safety net, find more well-dressed boys to shoot/stalk, and discover, for your and our personal edification, if anyone is actually wearing winter jackets yet. What's a "safe" date to bust out the puffer coat and not look like a jerk? P.S. HUGE sale on outerwear at Old Navy this week. We like.
STORY: Age: 18. Major: Undeclared at B.U.
SNAPPED: Just outside of N.E.S.O.P.
STALKED: We were so busy gaping at Danielle’s rosy punk-princess cheeks, we almost forgot to take stock in her plaid
Zara coat, which she says she purchased in NYC. We. Covet. More. Plaid. Things.
SHE SAYS: “I look at
Vice for style inspiration sometimes, but mainly as a joke. My style is anything, really — whatever I find.”
WE SAY: Oh Zara,
where are you?