
WEDNESDAY: Rachael Ray at Barnes & Noble


There are two distinct types of people in this fine world: those who loathe Food Network host and next-gen Martha Stewart superwoman RACHAEL RAY for her precious catch-phrase cooking and those who think her ever-present giggly abbreviations of extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO, y’all) are totally adorable. We fall somewhere in between: we’re not members of the infamous LiveJournal community that sips on major Rachael haterade, but we do sometimes want to slap her across the mouth when she asks “How good is THAT?!” for the thousandth time in a half-hour show. Cripes, we get it, Rach! It tastes nice! That aside, we’ve found her 30-Minute Meal cookbooks (even though they really take longer than 30) to be useful once we figured out how a stovetop works. Her latest, 2, 4, 6, 8: 30-Minute Meals for Couples and Crowds, is exactly what it sounds like: easy directions on whipping up a Strawberry Balsamic Vinaigrette Salad for your honey or enough Boozy Berries with Biscuits to feed a small army. Judge her, if you must, when she signs at the Barnes & Noble at the Prudential Center, 800 Boylston St, Boston | noon | free | 617.247.6959.

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