Moore "Bacon?"
A couple of days ago we celebrated our nation’s birthday, and
what could be more American than conspiracy theories? Or more Iranian, for that
matter. Oliver Stone, no stranger to paranoia himself, met his match recently
when his
request to film Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmandijad for a new
documentary was denied. “While it is true that Oliver
Stone is considered to be among the opposition in the U.S., the
opposition is still part of the Great Satan,” said the President’s media
Perhaps Mahmoud had seen Stone’s last film,
“World Trade Center,” a crude,
tearjerking exploitation of the 9/11 nightmare that more or less encourages the
audience to buy into the Bush Administration’s delusional warmaking, which
could soon include Iran. That didn’t stop Stone from snipping at the president he once helped
enable in his response to the Iranian prez’s rebuke. “I’ve been called a lot of
things, but never a Great Satan,” he said. “I wish the Iranian people well and I only
hope their experience with an inept, rigid idealogue president goes better than
Meanwhile, Michael Moore’s experience with this surviving member
of the Axis of Evil has gone better than Stone’s. His request to have his new
film “Sicko” included in the Tehran Documentary Film Festival was accepted,
which, barring US air strikes or invasion, is scheduled for October 15-19.
This acceptance will no doubt add more fodder to the conspiracy
musings of some right wing bloggers regarding a link between “Sicko” and the
recent attempted terrorist attacks in Britain. The British universal
health care system lauded in the film, so the logic goes, has spawned a cabal
of disgruntled, jihadist physicians doing the bidding of Al Qaeda. So Michael
Moore is responsible for terrorism in Britain.
No wonder the Iranians invited him! But that kind of publicity
doesn’t help sell tickets in America, as “Sicko” has been ailing
at the box office. Moore seems to be pondering a switch from the stressful genre of confrontational
documentaries to romantic comedies and the like. So if you don’t want another dose of “Canadian Bacon,” I’d advise
you all to line up for “Sicko” and take your medicine.