[boston music news] New booking agents at O'Brien's and T.T. The Bear's Place

Ryan Agate
The soothing jingle of Boston’s ongoing game of booking agent musical chairs has once again stopped, leaving two of the city’s more well-known clubs with familiar faces enlisted to bring bands to their respective stages.
A few weeks ago, RYAN AGATE of RTT PRESENTS was named booking agent of the 70-person O’Brien’s Pub in Allston, and today, RICHARD BOUCHARD, formerly of music blog Boston Band Crush and an independent promoter working as INDIE ROCK RANGER PRESENTS, was brought onto the team at T.T. The Bear’s Place in Cambridge. Agate was named full-time talent buyer at O’Brien’s, while Bouchard was brought in to the Central Square venue as "local booker" to fill in open dates left by parent booking company Bowery Boston. In 2013, the 330-capacity T.T.'s is celebrating its 40th anniversary, and is home to April's annual Rock And Roll Rumble.
“They've got a handle on the national touring stuff, and T.T.’s wanted someone to come in and make sure that hometown stuff didn't get overlooked,” Bouchard tells the Phoenix this morning. “Right now I'm just trying to get acquainted and set up, but it being their 40th year, I want to try to get some reunions happening, match up young bands with older guys that maybe haven't played there in a while, stuff like that. And of course there are already gaps in the schedule that we’re coming up on fast; that’ll be tough at first because Boston books out so far in advance.”
Across the river at the independently-operated O’Brien’s, Agate tells us that he sees no real overhaul in the venue’s booking approach, which caters mostly to punk and metal bands with a mix of homegrown and touring acts. “It’s a great room that I’ve had a great time booking over the years, and excited to try and make it the awesome spot I know it is,” Agate says. “I don’t see any HUGE changes right off the bat, but I'd expect to see some pretty great touring acts hitting OBs soon. The overall vision, man, I hope it just continues to become a place that people want to stop in to any night of the week and just know that it's going to be something awesome, regardless of what is on the calendar. I want it to feel like home for both bands and patrons, and I think with the staff we currently have and a fresh take on the booking, it shouldn't be too hard!”
Agate also notes that he hopes to use the low capacity number at O’Brien’s to his advantage, booking shows that don’t have the pressures of attracting a hundred patrons on a weeknight. “A 40-person turnout works for everyone,” he adds, “and bands will get paid. It’s a win-win all around!
For T.T.’s booking inquiries, contact Bouchard at indierockrangerbooking@gmail.com; for Agate at O’Brien’s, email obriensbooking@gmail.com.

Richard Bouchard