
[listen up] Pajama People "They Keep Saying"

Allston doesn't like to a lot of things: pick up trash, quiet down, not set cars on fire, etc., but most of all, they really don't like to go to bed.  Then, PAJAMA PEOPLE descended upon the town with a lullaby just creepy enough to calm the party.

"They Keep Saying," written by powercouple Will Lakritz and Lindsay Gordon, with the help of ABADABAD's Josh Northcutt and Tim Batchelor, made its debut yesterday.  The sleepy, eerie keys and reversed samples are a platform for Gordon's crisp and soothing voice, like a warm bath accompanied by a glass of wine and a joint. Born in the 'burbs of Winchester and brought to the streets of Allston, the PJ Peeps keep it slow and classy; "They Keep Saying" is something you definitely could play at the tail end of a rowdy pajama party, or during the witching hour when getting your Ouija board warmed up to welcome some spirits into the house.  The spirits may very well like the jam you're playing, and you can tell them that it's Pajama People and that they should check out their Tumblr.

The two previous albums released in April and July of this year brings hope that PJ ppl will release an album with this single very soon.


They Keep Saying by Pajama People

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