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Chris Faraone
By jchild314 on 02-05-2011 in Talking Politics
Sarah Palin's Bait - Palin knows about commercialism. Commercializing her and her family. It's about Sarah, always has been...By Presba on 02-05-2011 in Talking Politics
Playing Games With Mass. Politics - I've been following the local elections, and last year during Boston’s mayoral race, when the two runners...By Concerned on 02-05-2011 in Talking Politics
DOJ turns on Turner, First Amendment - Public records and Boston City Council anopenbostoncitycouncil.blogspot.comBy thezak on 02-04-2011 in Phlog
2012 GOP Presidential Rankings, Updated! - Tim Pawlenty: "His new book positions him perfectly for the Iowa conservatives, and beyond."...By gahanson on 02-03-2011 in Talking Politics