When I said over in this here article that Boston's club nights are taking over or some such sweeping generalization type-thing to that effect, did I sound like I was joking? Because I was not.
Take tonight for example: There are so many places to get completely crazybrainz, and so little to pay for the pleasure. (That statement does not include tomorrow morning.) Here's the shortlist:

last time that Cash 4 Gold went down at the Milky Way (it's the last Thursday of every month), MC Miss Michelle
gave away six tickets to the Foxy Lady. Sweet. This time, she and
cohort DJs Just Joan (of Aquanet fame) and Ms. Thang
(of just about everywhere fame) will be raffling a coupon good for any
one thing in the Harvard Square Adidas store (that one cashier dude
with the pipin' hot butt not included). But hold up, this isn't Daily
Candy; Cash 4 Gold is about ridiculously hot classics of early '90s
rap, pop, r&b, freesytle, funk and whatever gets your chains
whipping. Best of all, this shit is FREE!
Milky Way, 284 Amory St., Jamaica Plain | 9pm | 21+ | FREE

My word, just look at him. Beta Recordings superstar John B is visibly worried that you won't show up, but he shouldn't be, because you're smart and need your ass kicked. If you have ten a buck, you really should check this out. Not only will resident Elements d&b keepers Crook and Lenore be there to quantize your heart rate to a steadily-skittering 160 or so, but John B. will be eagerly waiting in the wings to finish you off. Look at this dude. And when he gets alarmed or excited, the hair spikes up all Sonic-the-H-Hog stylee. (I bet.) In any case, his shit solders synapses shut. Check it.
Phoenix Landing, 512 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge | 10pm | 19+ | $10
[photo via: betarecordings]

Their MySpace may lag a bit behind the times (nurdburrnz!), but the playlists of Thursday night staple-mates Make It New reliably nudge the future of the floor forward on a weekly basis. Residents David Day and Alan Manzi are this week joined by Jim Heys (who I can't seem to find anything out about and, thus, imparts intrigue!). If you can't make it, you can put the party in your pants by downloading this sweet set from their recent Palms Out night, featuring Baltimoroder and Volvox. Also: FREE!
Middlesex, 315 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge | 21+ | FREE
[photo via: Make It New MySpace]