Staff reactions to the news of Zac Hanson's first child

We still remember the innocent, pre-children days of 1997.
As we reported earlier, news from the best press release ever in our inbox this morning: Zac Hanson's having a baby! Zac (who's 22, the way) was the last childless member of the MMMBopping trio. Issac and Taylor have been popping them out since ye olden days of 2002. Shit, we're already 25, what have we been doing with ourselves? Time to get on the Hanson baby making train! From the press release:
"Zac Hanson, drummer for the rock group Hanson, and his wife Kate have announced they are expecting their first child in May. 'I am thrilled and excited at the thought of becoming a father. I can’t wait to meet this person' said Zac. While Kate added 'This is truly the most amazing and exciting time for us. It’s the most romantic thing we’ve ever done.'
HANSON returns from Africa today immediately resuming their fall US tour on the 29th, where they will continue their efforts to support both TOMS shoes and HIVSA. Following the final 07 dates HANSON plan to resume touring in early 08. Dates to be announced soon."
The Phoenix staff, of course, had some reactions to this monumental news - maybe the Hanson's press rep wants to throw 'em in the release? Here are a few:
-C. Carioli
"Wow, I thought you had to reach double digits before you could marry...."
-L. Gould
"I love their quotes, especially 'I can’t wait to meet this person.'”
-W. Spitz
"Yeah, the quotes are priceless. They’re just so... REAL."
-J. Parker
"Hey, where’s the love guys?"
-C. Curran
"They need a Disney Channel show."
-S. Steel
Cue witty response time in the comments section.